"Only you can change yourself, no one can do it for you!"
Everyone walks their own path with a higher goal, enlightenment. Different names and methods are used in different cultures. However, to realize enlightenment you have to bring harmony into your being: how you think, feel, speak, experience and act. Becoming aware of the impact you have on what takes place in your reality.
"Reality is a reflection of the inner self."
The universal laws of karma (cause-effect) and attraction (like attracts like) play an important role in this. Thus every thought, feeling, statement, action has a cause and an effect, everything has a consequence. It is important to be aware of this so that you can use it to your advantage. In addition, the law of attraction states that you attract what you think, feel, speak and act that you perform. If it is of a positive nature, you will attract more positivity, and the same goes for negative nature.
The table below lists important aspects of 3rd, 4th and 5th dimensional consciousness. All apply to the individual consciousness as well as the unity consciousness of all people on earth. And offer an overview of the level of consciousness, where the 5th dimension stands for the Christ consciousness.
“Change starts with a conscious first step in the right direction. By consistently repeating, all subsequent steps will lead you to a higher consciousness. Embrace all external triggers so they can help you grow and become more aware."
Baron's Consciousness | 3rd dimension | 4e dimension | 5e dimension |
Conditional Competition Angst Limited Strong reaction to the undesired |
unconditionally Chances Grateful Intuition Synchronicity no judgment |
Peace Collaboration Met harmonious |
Linear time Past future |
Time is bendable Today |
Present moment Mastery of every thought and emotion |
Self sabotage | Neutral | One with everything |
Judgements | No judgment or assumptions | See through divine eyes |
Answers and confirmation from outside |
Consciousness of responsible creator |
Angst Shame anger sadness Desire Greed anxiety Despite Pessimism |
To trust Compassion Forgiving Creativity Gratitude Optimism unconditionally |
Pure consciousness bliss Peace happiness |
1st - 3rd chakra power, money, sex |
6th & 7th chakra Intuition & Spirituality |
4th chakra Unconditional love |
Things happen to me and happen by willpower | Things happen because of me | Things happen like me |
ability |
Minimal ability to create miracles | Skilled at miracles to create | Mastery, instant creation |
Predominant Consciousness |
Subconscious (Comments) |
Conscious (Choices) |
super aware |
Fear & Uncertainty | Faith & Love | In harmony with the divine |